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Welcome to Gridirons.TV

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Season 2, episode 1: COACH Chris merritt (christopher columbus high school)

We're back with an all new season of Gridirons TV. Join us as we jump into Coach Chris Merritt's program at Christopher Columbus High School in Miami, FL.


Season 1, EPISODE 4: Coach Ted Ginn Sr (Glenville High School)

Join us as we traveled to Cleveland, OH to sit down with Coach Ginn and watch his Glenville Tarblooders take on Midview in Round 2 of the OHSAA State Playoffs.



SEASON 1, EPISODE 3: Coach Steve Specht (St. Xavier High School)

We are back for episode 3! The GTV team traveled to Cincinnati, OH to see Steve Specht's St. X Bombers take on the #10 Colerain Cardinals. Enjoy!



SEASON 1, Episode 2: Coach Rick Streiff of Cathedral High School

Join us for our full episode with Coach Streiff of Cathedral! Lots of great content for players, coaches, parents, and fans!




Join us as we dive into the coaching career of Coach Bob Milloy of Our Lady of Good Counsel.


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